Welcome to the New Year! Chances are, your resolution revolves around getting fit or spending more time at the gym. In the initial weeks of January, many newcomers join the fitness scene, only to fade away by February. Let's make sure that doesn't happen to you!
Consider these three tips to help you stay on track with your 2024 New Year’s Resolution.
Acknowledge that incorporating "getting in shape" or dedicating more time to the gym requires a shift in your daily routine. Committing to a fitness regimen three times a week or more requires change and dedication. To stay motivated, establish a support system through a trainer, group fitness, or a virtual program.
Train your mind to prioritize yourself. The first four letters in "selfish" spell SELF. Nothing is more important than YOUR health. Begin with manageable goals and gradually progress each week.
Remember, the only person you are competing with is yourself. Embrace the mindset of continuous improvement. Many team sports promote the idea of getting a little better every day with mantras like:

Find a mantra that resonates with you, encouraging you to persist with your resolutions throughout 2024.
Make 2024 the year you successfully keep your New Year’s Resolution. Explore the new fitness classes at Maximum Intensity Training— they're designed to motivate and support your commitment to health. Contact us today to get started.Â
Cheers to a healthier and happier you!